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Ground water monitoring results over a six month-period from April to September 2017 have shown that all water being pumped by the borehole system designed to de-water the mining area of Kropz’s Elandsfontein phosphate mine near Saldanha Bay is being well accepted downstream of the mining area, where flow continues towards the Langebaan Lagoon.

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Please try again in a few minutes.

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The following files were downloaded:

Date and time: {date_time}
Name: {user_name}
Usergroup: {user_group}
User IP-Adress: {ip_address}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [send_mailto_option_upload] => 0 [send_mailto_html_upload] => 1 [send_mailto_betreff_upload] => A new file has been uploaded. [send_mailto_upload] => [send_mailto_template_upload] => File Upload Report

Sender: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
IP-Adress: {ip}

Downloaded details

Filename: {file_name}
Title: {file_title}
Description: {description}
Date: {date}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [report_mail_subject] => A user has reported this file. [send_mailto_report] => [report_mail_layout] => The following Download has been Reported by a user:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and time: {date_time}
Reported by
Name: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
User IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [customers_mail_subject] => Following Data was submitted as the User requested this Download: [customers_send_mailto] => [customers_mail_layout] => This data was submitted:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and Time: {date_time}
Visitor IP: {ip}

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Ground water monitoring results over a six month-period from April to September 2017 have shown that all water being pumped by the borehole system designed to de-water the mining area of Kropz’s Elandsfontein phosphate mine near Saldanha Bay is being well accepted downstream of the mining area, where flow continues towards the Langebaan Lagoon.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [itemtype] => pdf )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 52 [title] => Monitoring report shows water pumping has no impact on groundwater, lagoon [alias] => monitoring-report-shows-water-pumping-has-no-impact-on-groundwater-lagoon [description] =>

Kropz, which is developing the Elandsfontein phosphate mine near Hopefield in the Western Cape, says the West Coast Environmental Protection Association’s (WCEPA) application to have the mine’s water use license (WUL) suspended.

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Please try again in a few minutes.

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The following files were downloaded:

Date and time: {date_time}
Name: {user_name}
Usergroup: {user_group}
User IP-Adress: {ip_address}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [send_mailto_option_upload] => 0 [send_mailto_html_upload] => 1 [send_mailto_betreff_upload] => A new file has been uploaded. [send_mailto_upload] => [send_mailto_template_upload] => File Upload Report

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E-Mail: {mail}
IP-Adress: {ip}

Downloaded details

Filename: {file_name}
Title: {file_title}
Description: {description}
Date: {date}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [report_mail_subject] => A user has reported this file. [send_mailto_report] => [report_mail_layout] => The following Download has been Reported by a user:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and time: {date_time}
Reported by
Name: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
User IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [customers_mail_subject] => Following Data was submitted as the User requested this Download: [customers_send_mailto] => [customers_mail_layout] => This data was submitted:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and Time: {date_time}
Visitor IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [use_shopping_cart_plugin] => 0 [use_alphauserpoints] => 0 [use_alphauserpoints_with_price_field] => 0 [user_message_when_zero_points] => Sorry, you do not have enough points to allow downloading of this file. Please recharge your points account. [google_adsense_active] => 0 [google_adsense_code] => [google_adsense_active_2] => 0 [google_adsense_code_2] => [com] => [categories_batch_in_progress] => 0 [downloads_batch_in_progress] => 0 [uncat_already_created] => 1 [fileplugin_defaultlayout] => Standard Files Layout v3.2 [fileplugin_enable_plugin] => 1 [fileplugin_show_jdfiledisabled] => 1 [fileplugin_show_downloadtitle] => 1 [fileplugin_offline_title] => Downloads are disabled. [fileplugin_offline_descr] => If you are allowed to download, but you cannot download, please contact the webmaster. [plugin_auto_file_short_description_value] => 200 [show_page_heading] => 1 [show_description] => 0 [show_subcat_desc] => 1 [show_date] => 0 [orderby_sec] => rdate [show_featured] => show [use_type_all_categories_as_base_link] => 1 [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [page_title] => Press releases 2017 [page_heading] => Press releases 2017 [secure] => 0 [page_description] => A media center for Kropz [page_rights] => [access-view] => 1 [access-download] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 52:monitoring-report-shows-water-pumping-has-no-impact-on-groundwater-lagoon [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

Kropz, which is developing the Elandsfontein phosphate mine near Hopefield in the Western Cape, says the West Coast Environmental Protection Association’s (WCEPA) application to have the mine’s water use license (WUL) suspended.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [itemtype] => pdf )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 50 [title] => Kropz welcomes Saldanha Bay Municipality response to allegations of complicity [alias] => kropz-welcomes-saldanha-bay-municipality-response-to-allegations-of-complicity [description] =>

Kropz Limited has noted with concern the allegations by the West Coast Environmental Protection Association (WCEPA).

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At the moment the Downloads area is undergoing maintenance.

Please try again in a few minutes.

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The following files were downloaded:

Date and time: {date_time}
Name: {user_name}
Usergroup: {user_group}
User IP-Adress: {ip_address}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [send_mailto_option_upload] => 0 [send_mailto_html_upload] => 1 [send_mailto_betreff_upload] => A new file has been uploaded. [send_mailto_upload] => [send_mailto_template_upload] => File Upload Report

Sender: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
IP-Adress: {ip}

Downloaded details

Filename: {file_name}
Title: {file_title}
Description: {description}
Date: {date}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [report_mail_subject] => A user has reported this file. [send_mailto_report] => [report_mail_layout] => The following Download has been Reported by a user:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and time: {date_time}
Reported by
Name: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
User IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [customers_mail_subject] => Following Data was submitted as the User requested this Download: [customers_send_mailto] => [customers_mail_layout] => This data was submitted:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and Time: {date_time}
Visitor IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [use_shopping_cart_plugin] => 0 [use_alphauserpoints] => 0 [use_alphauserpoints_with_price_field] => 0 [user_message_when_zero_points] => Sorry, you do not have enough points to allow downloading of this file. Please recharge your points account. [google_adsense_active] => 0 [google_adsense_code] => [google_adsense_active_2] => 0 [google_adsense_code_2] => [com] => [categories_batch_in_progress] => 0 [downloads_batch_in_progress] => 0 [uncat_already_created] => 1 [fileplugin_defaultlayout] => Standard Files Layout v3.2 [fileplugin_enable_plugin] => 1 [fileplugin_show_jdfiledisabled] => 1 [fileplugin_show_downloadtitle] => 1 [fileplugin_offline_title] => Downloads are disabled. [fileplugin_offline_descr] => If you are allowed to download, but you cannot download, please contact the webmaster. [plugin_auto_file_short_description_value] => 200 [show_page_heading] => 1 [show_description] => 0 [show_subcat_desc] => 1 [show_date] => 0 [orderby_sec] => rdate [show_featured] => show [use_type_all_categories_as_base_link] => 1 [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [page_title] => Press releases 2017 [page_heading] => Press releases 2017 [secure] => 0 [page_description] => A media center for Kropz [page_rights] => [access-view] => 1 [access-download] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 50:kropz-welcomes-saldanha-bay-municipality-response-to-allegations-of-complicity [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

Kropz Limited has noted with concern the allegations by the West Coast Environmental Protection Association (WCEPA).

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [itemtype] => pdf )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 49 [title] => Delay in commissioning at the Elandsfontein Project [alias] => delay-in-commissioning-at-the-elandsfontein-project [description] => Kropz Elandsfontein has taken the decision to delay the commissioning of its West Coast phosphate mine for an extended period. [description_long] => Kropz Elandsfontein has taken the decision to delay the commissioning of its West Coast phosphate mine for an extended period. [file_pic] => zip.png [images] => [price] => [release] => [file_language] => 0 [system] => 0 [license] => 0 [url_license] => [license_agree] => 0 [size] => 319.16 KB [created] => 2017-08-15 08:39:08 [file_date] => 2017-08-15 10:39:04 [publish_up] => 2017-08-15 08:39:08 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [use_timeframe] => 0 [url_download] => kropz-delay-in-commissioning-15082017.pdf [preview_filename] => [other_file_id] => 0 [md5_value] => b7d7301cef275a9ae3a8790152fffdb0 [sha1_value] => 146a0ac1aa882a165a9bc42802bd26dac6d4e077 [extern_file] => [extern_site] => 0 [mirror_1] => [mirror_2] => [extern_site_mirror_1] => 0 [extern_site_mirror_2] => 0 [url_home] => [author] => [url_author] => [created_by] => 699 [created_mail] => [modified_by] => 699 [modified] => 2017-08-15 08:39:33 [submitted_by] => 0 [set_aup_points] => 0 [downloads] => 2147 [catid] => 10 [changelog] => [password] => [password_md5] => [views] => 0 [metakey] => [metadesc] => [robots] => [update_active] => 0 [access] => 1 [user_access] => 0 [language] => * [ordering] => 1 [featured] => 0 [published] => 1 [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [readmore] => 126 [state] => 1 [filename_from_other_download] => [category_title] => 2017 [category_access] => 1 [category_alias] => 2017 [category_cat_dir] => 2017 [category_cat_dir_parent] => Press releases [creator] => Super User [modifier] => Super User [user_access_name] => [license_title] => [license_url] => [license_text] => [lid] => [rating] => [rating_count] => [rating_sum] => [parent_title] => Press releases [parent_id] => 2 [parent_alias] => press-releases [menuf_itemid] => [menuc_cat_itemid] => 161 [parents_published] => 1 [layout] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [files_uploaddir] => /usr/www/users/kropzrqjpb/jdownloads [preview_files_folder_name] => _preview_files [tempzipfiles_folder_name] => _tempzipfiles [root_dir] => /usr/www/users/kropzrqjpb/jdownloads [preview_dir] => _preview_files [temp_dir] => _tempzipfiles [help_url] => [custom_fields_enable] => 1 [global_datetime] => j F Y [global_datetime_short] => j F Y [use_php_script_for_download] => 1 [activate_download_log] => 1 [delete_also_images_from_downloads] => 0 [delete_also_preview_files_from_downloads] => 0 [file_types_view] => html,htm,txt,doc,jpg,jpeg,png,gif [zipfile_prefix] => downloads_ [tempfile_delete_time] => 20 [be_upload_amount_of_pictures] => 10 [be_amount_of_pics_in_downloads_list] => 3 [view_preview_file_in_downloads_list] => 1 [view_price_field_in_downloads_list] => 1 [system_list] => - Select -, Joomla 1.0, Joomla 1.5, Windows, Linux, MacIntosh, See description [language_list] => - Select -, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Turkish, Multilanguage, See description [checkbox_top_text] => Select all files: [robots] => [use_first_testrun] => 1 [all_files_autodetect] => 1 [file_types_autodetect] => pdf [all_folders_autodetect] => 1 [include_or_exclude] => 1 [include_or_exclude_folders] => [autopublish_founded_files] => 0 [autopublish_use_cat_default_values] => 0 [autopublish_cat_pic_default_filename] => folder.png [autopublish_default_cat_description] => [autopublish_cat_access_level] => 7 [autopublish_cat_language] => * [autopublish_cat_created_by] => 0 [autopublish_use_default_values] => 0 [autopublish_title_format_option] => 0 [autopublish_default_description] => [autopublish_access_level] => 7 [autopublish_language] => * [autopublish_created_by] => 0 [autopublish_price] => [autopublish_reset_use_default_values] => 1 [disable_server_limits] => 1 [view_debug_info] => 0 [max_size_log_file] => 32 [offline] => 0 [offline_text] =>

At the moment the Downloads area is undergoing maintenance.

Please try again in a few minutes.

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The following files were downloaded:

Date and time: {date_time}
Name: {user_name}
Usergroup: {user_group}
User IP-Adress: {ip_address}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [send_mailto_option_upload] => 0 [send_mailto_html_upload] => 1 [send_mailto_betreff_upload] => A new file has been uploaded. [send_mailto_upload] => [send_mailto_template_upload] => File Upload Report

Sender: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
IP-Adress: {ip}

Downloaded details

Filename: {file_name}
Title: {file_title}
Description: {description}
Date: {date}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [report_mail_subject] => A user has reported this file. [send_mailto_report] => [report_mail_layout] => The following Download has been Reported by a user:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


Date and time: {date_time}
Reported by
Name: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
User IP: {ip}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply. [customers_mail_subject] => Following Data was submitted as the User requested this Download: [customers_send_mailto] => [customers_mail_layout] => This data was submitted:

ID: {cat_id}

ID: {file_id}
Title: {file_title}
Filename: {file_name}


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Press releases 2017